The Anatomy of Kwaicore
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Thursday 18 April 2013

Breaking News: Kwaicore's Birth! (Actual Footage)

Reports of the creation and production footage of Kwaicore has been released!

Credit to Kgaugelo Mokgehle and The Kwaicore Revolution for this mind-bending video!

NOTE: The clip consists of an interview, the making of Kwaicore and an actual song.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Kwaicore's first words!

People have been asking for a taste of actual Kwaicore, well it has arrived!
Keep in mind, this is a prototype - Rome wasn't built in a day.

History has been made, the first Kwaicore song is produced.
Be apart of this history and check out:

Audio courtesy of Kwaicore Untz!

Kwaicore Greeted Her Like an Old Friend.

She has known pain in abundance,
haunted thoughts as a child.
The near-constant presence of evil,
ever since she had felt the touch of awful naked men.
Battles addiction and depression,
and suicidal thoughts.
Her arms remember razor blades.
Fifty scars that speak of self-inflicted wounds.

She feels trapped.
Two sets of "friends" with opposing ideas.
Everyone sleeps.
The sun rises.
She drinks long from a bottle of liquor,
takes a blade from the table and locks herself in the bathroom.
She cuts herself.
Using the blade to carve
"Useless" large across her right forearm.

Kwaicore speaks a language only feelings understand. A language doctors and psychologists were never taught, sometimes it's what we need to hear when no one else will listen. It might not be a lot, but it's something for someone who feels like nothing.

Kwaicore: The cheapest Antidepressant yet.

Saturday 13 April 2013

A Kwaito Heart in a Hip-Hop Rib Cage.

Through the combination of Kwaito and Hardcore Punk music, the melodies of Kwaicore was introduced. Curiosity lurked in the background of this genre's creation, and that curiosity has visited once again.

Hardcore Punk music has been thrown into exile by something harder and stronger, Kwaito has found a new partner. Hardcore Hip-Hop has broke into the scene, a stench of New York hustle has been found.

African pride dominating through American rhymes, a table spoon of Apartheid stirred into a pot of struggle in the ghetto. An addition to the Kwaicore family has arrived, Punk music joined forces with Kwaito which sparked an interest in the mind of Hip-Hop. It broke in, greeted Punk with a headshot and is holding Kwaito captive.

Watch the story unfold as Kwaito is moulded into a new lifestyle.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Slanguage: The Kwaicore Dictionary Page 1.

Mzansi - A Zulu word meaning "South". This has become a popular word for South Africa.

All-Stars - A canvas shoe popular in the Kwaito music and fashion industry, originally produced by American manufacturers Converse.

Spotti - A floppy hat worn by the Kwaito generation. Used during cricket matches by the white-elite ruling class, it was used to mock this class of people.

Mosh - Dancing to mostly Punk/Rock music in a violent manner, involving jumping around and colliding into other dancers.

Pantsula - A flat footed tap and glide style of dance, used to dance to Kwaito music.

Zamalek - A slang word for Black Label Beer, a popular beer in South Africa as it is "home-made".

Kwaito - A music genre that emerged in Johannesburg, South Africa in the late 1990's, made by combining Western House music with local African melodies.

Is this Kwaicore?

In the wake of a Kwaicore era many people claim to be music experts when in actual fact they know nothing, apparently my blog falls into this category of lies.

There is a person who believes she is a direct descendant of the Kwaicore creators, that she is part of the selected few who truly live the Kwaicore lifestyle.

Stating that no one else really knows what Kwaicore is, saying we are the awkward kids at Kwaicore parties. She might be right, or she could be just another attention-seeker making noise on the internet.

I'll let you decide.

Stress Relief...

A hitchhiker asks for a lift, an attractive young girl. You decide to take her. During the journey she suddenly passes out in your car, in a panic you rush her to the hospital.

That is stressful.

It is discovered that she is pregnant, they congratulate you on being a father. You explain the story and that it's not your baby, but she denies and says that it is.

This is getting very stressful.

You demand a DNA test to prove that you are not the father.
When the test results return, the doctor explains that you are infertile and have possibly been since birth.

This leaves you extremely stressed, but relieved.

While driving home, the thought of your 3 children pops into your head...


Music let's us express ourselves, it helps us deal with anger and other emotions. It is a best friend that is always there to comfort you. It sets moods, fuels imaginations and caters to one's feelings. When you're angry, the music will be angry. When you're sad, the sounds will be blue. When you're happy, the music will be joyful. It's therapeutic.

Kwaicore, harmless therapy at no cost.

Monday 8 April 2013

The Diagnosis of Kwaicore.

(Picture via:

We have been labeled as strange,
We have been told we’re outcasts.
We laugh away the pain,
And cry among the funny.

We eat our peas with syrup,
Marinade spaghetti in chocolate sauce.
We are the delayed premature births,
The flies that make honey.

We are a pack of lone wolves,
The straight faced orgasms.
The loyalty in Judas,
The celibate prostitutes.

Kwaicore is our anthem.
Do not fear our presence,
But welcome our embrace.

The Skin of Kwaicore.

Spotti – a symbol from the Kwaito universe,
It covers a inked skin head.
Spikey metal protrudes from the
Canvas All-stars roaming the streets of Gauteng.

Mascara outlines eyes that gaze
Upon streets soaked in African culture.
Glamorous gold rests on the chest
Covered in emo leather.

Loud shirts and checked pants,
Tracksuits and skinny jeans.
Hardcore style mixed in with
Kwaito swagger.
It’s more than music, it’s a way of life. 

Kwaicore: A Musical Hybrid.

Strings entangled with distorted cries,
Trumpets of townships spread over it.
The taste of oppression combined,
Combined with a rush of vigorous emotion.

The social alienation of Hardcore Punk
Is brought out of it’s shell through Kwaito’s
The anger Punk displays is calmed
With the gentle voice of Kwaito.

A 4/4 time signature placed on a paper
Filled with speed and energy.
The ghetto sound is lifted up through
The liberated features of American history.

Kwaicore, the liberated oppression.

The Euphoria of Kwaito.

Not sure what Kwaito is? Let this video help.
I do not own the rights to this video or song, no copyright infringement intended.
(Video source: YouTube -

Dubbed "South Africa's Hip-Hop."
Kwaito is much more than that.
The urban soup in South Africa's plate,
A jazzy infant caged within a house beat.

The pantsula is an expression to the emotions felt,
The flat footed African tap-and-glide style of dance.
Girl’s asses seducing my eyes,
A bounce in my step while I walk across the floor.

The zamalek is flowing just as smooth as the music,
Alcohol encourages my feet to jive.
The DJ raises the volume,
I have found my heaven.

This is my home. iKhaya lami.

Hardcore Punk: My First Metal Appointment.

Adrenaline rushes through my blood.
The pure sound of amplified metal races towards my body.
The Moshpit is filled with anger and freedom,
it's an addictive feeling that I have no control over.

A monster has been unleashed,
slamming my body around the room.
Riding this wave of ephedrine along the shore of my feelings,
feeling tougher than a bump of raw medicine.

The urge to break loose and go wild has kicked in;
with each ripple of screaming emotions through the speakers,
I feel liberated from the chains of stress holding me down.

This is where I release my rage. This is Hardcore Punk.

The Aftermath of Kwaicore

I want you to bite my lip until I can no longer speak,
and then suck other genres from my mouth so they never come up in conversation.
Honestly, I’ve never known love; 
in fact every time I think about other sounds, 
my brain cramps just to show me how painful life can be without you.

I’ve heard that true love is blind, so I read all your lyrics in braille.
I never finish reading, because real love is endless.
I’m  stunned at how you have the audacity to be beautiful, 
even on days when everything around you is ugly. 
Your eyelashes are violin strings that play symphonies every time you blink.

I see your face in every treble and bass cleft, 
hoping that you would jump out and be closer to me.
You massage my skin until my mouth sings songs my brain doesn’t know the words to, 
I want to drink the bass line of your chorus.

The vibration of your voice climbs into my ribcage like monkey bars, 
I want to sample your smile and let my heartbeat do the bass line. 
We could create the greatest love song of all time; 
and when they ask what Kwaicore really is, 
I’ll say: “She is my musician and me… I’m her favourite song.”

Thursday 4 April 2013

What Kwaicore does to me.

(Picture via:

The shredded arpeggios guide my All-Stars. The raw sound of the lead guitar infiltrates my skin, it vibrates the hair on my arm to stand at attention. I inhale death growls, and exhale African rhythm. 

The combination of the fast paced treble cleft mixed in with a slowed down bass melody, the taste of Jozi flavoured townships in a mouth filled with metal. My brain traces pantsula steps on the inside of my skull, a mosh pit is created on the ground floor of my mind.

Two completely different worlds, yet so similar. Both seen as rebels, the skinny jeans belonging to Kwaito fits the waist of Hardcore Punk perfectly. The rubber toe canvas match our feet perfectly, we divert from the regular. Kwaicore makes us one, we are supreme beings.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Missing Link - Hardcore Punk

An example of Hardcore Punk music. Sick of it all - Step Down.
I do not the rights to this video or song, no copyright infringement intended.
(Video source: Youtube -

Hardcore Punk music, groomed from the roots of Metal and Punk music. Introduced in the late 70’s was a fast-paced, eardrum bursting genre that combined Heavy Metal and Punk music. A more aggressive sound was created, something exciting and unheard of.
The unifying factor of Hardcore Punk is the sound. Lyrics varying from mindsets of musicians who preach a straight edge lifestyle, while others promote party anthems.
Standing on the shoulders of Rock, Hardcore Punk was created to satisfy the cravings for a faster, more energetic sound. The reckless, loud and furious music was a perfect solution to help raise a rebellious generation.

Monday 1 April 2013

Kwaito: The Beginning.

The early 90's brought the fall of Apartheid, and a unique new music genre to South Africa. Black musicians in poor townships collided Western house music with African melodies, slowing it down and adding Mzansi spices along with traditional languages signified the birth of Kwaito. A prevalent theme is violence; but artists also promote issues like education, AIDS awareness and women's rights.

As Kwaito grew, so did the beliefs of young Africans who were given opportunities that forced segregation denied; it meant financial freedom.

Kwaito is not about race or politics, but everyday life in the post-apartheid South Africa. Kwaito is about the township, knowing the township, indulging the township, understanding the township and most importantly, wearing it on your sleeve. The township is being celebrated by the youth of South Africa through Kwaito music, which is interesting when one considers that the township was created to keep a ready supply of cheap labour under control by the Apartheid government.

The Meaning Behind Kwaicore...

Kwaicore was genetically constructed in the minds of Vega lecturers, the offspring of Kwaito and Hardcore Punk music.

Vocalists screaming emotions, mixed in with slow paced beats laced in township culture. Sometimes the African poetry is layered on top of overdriven guitar strings and beaten drums..

Kwaicore, dedicated to the supreme beings.