The Anatomy of Kwaicore: Hardcore Punk: My First Metal Appointment.
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Monday 8 April 2013

Hardcore Punk: My First Metal Appointment.

Adrenaline rushes through my blood.
The pure sound of amplified metal races towards my body.
The Moshpit is filled with anger and freedom,
it's an addictive feeling that I have no control over.

A monster has been unleashed,
slamming my body around the room.
Riding this wave of ephedrine along the shore of my feelings,
feeling tougher than a bump of raw medicine.

The urge to break loose and go wild has kicked in;
with each ripple of screaming emotions through the speakers,
I feel liberated from the chains of stress holding me down.

This is where I release my rage. This is Hardcore Punk.


  1. After reading a few of your posts, I feel like you're trying to force the metaphors and creativity. It should just come naturally to you, that way your writing can flow more coherently. You seem to have a lot of talent that just needs some tweaking.

    Just thought I'd leave some constructive criticism behind :)
    Happy Blogging.

  2. I will take that into account from now, thanks for the comment though. More posts are coming soon. Hope you enjoy them!
