The Anatomy of Kwaicore: The Diagnosis of Kwaicore.
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Monday 8 April 2013

The Diagnosis of Kwaicore.

(Picture via:

We have been labeled as strange,
We have been told we’re outcasts.
We laugh away the pain,
And cry among the funny.

We eat our peas with syrup,
Marinade spaghetti in chocolate sauce.
We are the delayed premature births,
The flies that make honey.

We are a pack of lone wolves,
The straight faced orgasms.
The loyalty in Judas,
The celibate prostitutes.

Kwaicore is our anthem.
Do not fear our presence,
But welcome our embrace.


  1. Lol, flies that make honey? Weird analogies, but an interesting post.

    1. Haha, I was aiming for weird to emphasise what Kwaicore is, thanks for commenting.

  2. So is this Kwaicore an actual music genre? I've seen a few of these blogs and I'm finding it hard to understand if it is. Also, is it internationally recognized??

    1. It is part of a university assignment to create and promote a blog for a music genre called "Kwaicore". It is a mixture between Kwaito and Hardcore music, I hope that clears things up for you a little.
