The Anatomy of Kwaicore: Stress Relief...
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Thursday 11 April 2013

Stress Relief...

A hitchhiker asks for a lift, an attractive young girl. You decide to take her. During the journey she suddenly passes out in your car, in a panic you rush her to the hospital.

That is stressful.

It is discovered that she is pregnant, they congratulate you on being a father. You explain the story and that it's not your baby, but she denies and says that it is.

This is getting very stressful.

You demand a DNA test to prove that you are not the father.
When the test results return, the doctor explains that you are infertile and have possibly been since birth.

This leaves you extremely stressed, but relieved.

While driving home, the thought of your 3 children pops into your head...


Music let's us express ourselves, it helps us deal with anger and other emotions. It is a best friend that is always there to comfort you. It sets moods, fuels imaginations and caters to one's feelings. When you're angry, the music will be angry. When you're sad, the sounds will be blue. When you're happy, the music will be joyful. It's therapeutic.

Kwaicore, harmless therapy at no cost.


  1. I CNT LIV WITOUT MUSIC! Da last part ov ur post dscrbs xactly wat it means 2 me!!

    1. Food for the soul I suppose, stay posted for more Kwaicore!!

  2. Well put ! Couldn't imagine a life without music ...

  3. If music be the 'food for your on!'
    Well said cuz. I too, truly can't imagine a life without music.
