The Anatomy of Kwaicore: A Kwaito Heart in a Hip-Hop Rib Cage.
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Saturday 13 April 2013

A Kwaito Heart in a Hip-Hop Rib Cage.

Through the combination of Kwaito and Hardcore Punk music, the melodies of Kwaicore was introduced. Curiosity lurked in the background of this genre's creation, and that curiosity has visited once again.

Hardcore Punk music has been thrown into exile by something harder and stronger, Kwaito has found a new partner. Hardcore Hip-Hop has broke into the scene, a stench of New York hustle has been found.

African pride dominating through American rhymes, a table spoon of Apartheid stirred into a pot of struggle in the ghetto. An addition to the Kwaicore family has arrived, Punk music joined forces with Kwaito which sparked an interest in the mind of Hip-Hop. It broke in, greeted Punk with a headshot and is holding Kwaito captive.

Watch the story unfold as Kwaito is moulded into a new lifestyle.


  1. Interesting take on this Kwaicore thing!
    Cool blog as well man, there are some interesting pieces here!!

  2. KWAICORE! I wud lyk 2 hear a song doe

  3. interesting lyle....

  4. I am not too keen on hip-hop, but kwaito is ok. Great blog !

  5. Appreciate the feedback! Thank you guys.
