The Anatomy of Kwaicore: Kwaicore: A Musical Hybrid.
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Monday 8 April 2013

Kwaicore: A Musical Hybrid.

Strings entangled with distorted cries,
Trumpets of townships spread over it.
The taste of oppression combined,
Combined with a rush of vigorous emotion.

The social alienation of Hardcore Punk
Is brought out of it’s shell through Kwaito’s
The anger Punk displays is calmed
With the gentle voice of Kwaito.

A 4/4 time signature placed on a paper
Filled with speed and energy.
The ghetto sound is lifted up through
The liberated features of American history.

Kwaicore, the liberated oppression.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know where I can find
    A song about this music?
