The Anatomy of Kwaicore: Is this Kwaicore?
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Thursday 11 April 2013

Is this Kwaicore?

In the wake of a Kwaicore era many people claim to be music experts when in actual fact they know nothing, apparently my blog falls into this category of lies.

There is a person who believes she is a direct descendant of the Kwaicore creators, that she is part of the selected few who truly live the Kwaicore lifestyle.

Stating that no one else really knows what Kwaicore is, saying we are the awkward kids at Kwaicore parties. She might be right, or she could be just another attention-seeker making noise on the internet.

I'll let you decide.


  1. Firstly, this person that feels the need to make fun of other people's stuff needs to get a life!

    Secondly, I don't know if you're stupid or idiotic, but this person is saying you know nothing too! You're promoting a person who thinks nothing of you.

    Done with you.

    1. Dear Anonymous.

      Maybe you should tell them how you feel.
      Cool payoff line.

      Thank you and have a nice day.

    2. You're complimenting my post?? And have a nice day? Clearly you were to dumb to pick up that I was insulting you too!! By the way, your blog isn't that great either.

    3. Dear Anonymous.

      Sarcasm - The ability to insult an idiot without them realising it.

      Thank you, enjoy your day.

  2. Replies
    1. Dear Anonymous.

      Don't forget to tell that person about this crime against humanity.

      Thank you. Keep it real.

  3. No life audits for me - lets just make the most of what life inspires! and you are inspired!
    Renew member!

  4. Lyle, I don't know a damn thing about kwaicore - if it isn't bhangra - it doesn't count ekse !!! So why are you interested in a music hardly anyone has heard of ???

    Siva Peroomal
